Joe Ando-Hirsh, a rising star in the fashion world, made waves with his latest creation for Ella Emhoff, the stepdaughter of Vice President and U.S. presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The pale blue gown that Emhoff wore at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) caught the attention of many and received extensive media coverage. Ando-Hirsh, who has appeared in series like The Walking Dead and MacGyver, once again showcased his fashion talent.
This success underscores his status as a multifaceted artist. Ella Emhoff, a model and designer herself, looked stunning in the dress, leading to a flood of praise and admiration on social media. Joe Ando-Hirsh has also designed and tailored a dress for singer and actress Keke Palmer. We’ll see who will be the next to wear one of his creations.