Jenna Ortega stunned onlookers at the 81st Venice Film Festival in a breathtaking red Dior gown, channeling Lydia Deetz from the original Beetlejuice film. The dress, a tribute to the iconic red wedding dress worn by Winona Ryder’scharacter, drew admiration from fans and critics alike, reinforcing Ortega’s status as a modern fashion icon.
This event marked the premiere of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the highly anticipated sequel to the 1988 classic, where Ortega takes on the role of Astrid Deetz, Lydia’s rebellious teenage daughter. The film, directed by Tim Burton, opened the festival with much fanfare, celebrating its unique blend of horror and comedy. Ortega’s rise to fame, from her breakout role in Jane the Virgin to her acclaimed performance as Wednesday Addams, continues to captivate audiences, solidifying her place as one of Hollywood’s brightest stars.