The latest installment in the “Bad Boys” film series, directed by Adil El Arbi (1988) and Bilall Fallah (1986), titled “Bad Boys: Ride or Die” (2024), has received mixed reviews from both audiences and critics (63 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and 7.0/10 on IMDb). The film stars Will Smith (Mike Lowrey) and Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett), who continue to blend action and comedy, a hallmark of the previous three films.
However, the reviews have been lukewarm. Critics have pointed out that while the film delivers the expected high-octane action, it lacks the freshness and charm of the original “Bad Boys” from 1995 and its 2003 sequel, “Bad Boys II” (2003). So far, the movie has managed to gross over $104 million worldwide against a budget of $100 million. The plot revolves around the duo’s efforts to clear the name of their captain, Conrad Howard (Joe Pantoliano).