Sharon Osbourne's Revealed Her Near-Suicide Overdose Ordeal Following Ozzy's Affair

January 24
Sharon Osbourne's Revealed Her Near-Suicide Overdose Ordeal Following Ozzy's Affair

In a stunning confession, Sharon Osbourne revealed the depths of her despair with a near-suicide overdose, triggered by the shocking news of Ozzy’s affair.

Sharon Osbourne bravely opened up about her challenging experience following the discovery of her husband Ozzy Osbourne’s affair with hairdresser Michelle Pugh. “I took, I don’t know how many pills,” Sharon revealed "I took an overdose and locked myself in the bedroom.”

This distressing decision was shaped by her belief that her grown children could manage without her. Despite this period of despair, Sharon and Ozzy’s relationship endured beyond the crisis. After 33 years of marriage, the couple briefly separated in 2016 due to Ozzy’s infidelity but ultimately reconciled.


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