On May 3rd, a film based on the TV series “The Fall Guy” (1981 - 1986) will premiere in American cinemas. Directed by David Leitch, the movie revolves around the stuntman Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling), who decides to end his career after an accident and also splits with the director Jody (Emily Blunt). However, he ultimately decides to return to the profession and takes on the task of doubling for actor Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Later, he discovers that his former girlfriend is filming this movie. Problems escalate when Tom Ryder disappears and Colt is tasked with finding him.
“Stuntman” has been in development since 2010, and director David Leitch wanted it to be filmed before “Barbie” (2023), which didn’t happen. However, according to Leitch, it turned out for the best because Gosling’s success in “Barbie” helped promote his film. Actors considered for the lead role included Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Cage, Jason Statham, and Dwayne Johnson, but Gosling was ultimately chosen, and he performed many stunts himself during filming.