Miss Japan Karolina Shiino Steps Down Amid Scandal

February 7
Miss Japan Karolina Shiino Steps Down Amid Scandal

Karolina Shiino’s resignation as Miss Japan over an affair scandal disrupts tradition, igniting debates on morality and identity in the public eye.

Karolina Shiino, the first naturalized Japanese citizen to be crowned Miss Japan, has relinquished her title amid a burgeoning scandal over her personal life. The revelation, first reported by Shukan Bunshun, of her extra-marital affair — a taboo in the tightly regulated world of beauty pageants—has sent shockwaves through the community and sparked a wider conversation on the moral standards imposed on public figures in Japan.

The Miss Japan Association confirmed they had accepted Shiino’s crown return for “personal reasons,” marking 2024 as the year without a Miss Japan. This decision came shortly after Shiino publicly apologized, acknowledging the impact of her actions on all parties involved, including the man’s wife.


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