Jonathan Majors Convicted of Assaulting Former Girlfriend

December 19, 2023
Jonathan Majors Convicted of Assaulting Former Girlfriend

Jonathan Majors, a rising Marvel star, was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend, leading to his removal from Marvel and Disney projects.

In a shocking turn of events, rising Hollywood star Jonathan Majors has been found guilty of assaulting his former girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, throwing his promising career into disarray. The verdict has sent shockwaves through the industry, raising questions about Majors’ future in the spotlight. Majors’ lawyers had argued that Jabbari was the aggressor in the March incident, but the jury sided with the prosecution, convicting the actor of misdemeanor assault and harassment. The conviction carries the potential for a jail sentence and is likely to blacklist Majors from working with major studios. The incident has also sparked a debate about domestic violence in Hollywood and the industry’s response to such allegations. Many have commended Marvel and Disney for their swift action in dropping Majors, while others have argued that the studio’s decision was hasty and could have a chilling effect on victims coming forward with their stories. Only time will tell how Majors’ conviction will ultimately impact his career. However, for now, his rising star has undoubtedly begun to crumble, leaving the once-promising actor facing an uncertain future in Hollywood.


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