Jet Set Drama: Kylie Jenner and Olivia Jade's Unexpected Turbulence

Jet Set Drama: Kylie Jenner and Olivia Jade's Unexpected Turbulence

Discover the twist in Kylie Jenner and Olivia Jade’s high-flying friendship that’s got fans buzzing.

An unexpected turn in high-profile friendships took flight as Kylie Jenner’s decision to not offer Olivia Jade a ride on her private jet stirred the air. Despite a history of shared jet-set adventures, Kylie’s recent decision not to extend a lift on her $72 million private jet from Palm Springs to LA left Olivia scrambling for alternate travel plans.

Usually staying out of the public eye, the duo was first seen together at Victoria Villaroel’s birthday bash and at a TikTok party in LA. A candid peek into their friendship was also shared by Kylie’s best friend, Stassie Karanikolaou, who uploaded a video featuring Olivia aboard Kylie’s jet in May 2021 on her YouTube vlog.


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