In an adorable TikTok debut, Bunnie XO proudly introduced Noah DeFord, the 8-year-old son of country rapper Jelly Roll, to her followers. The video, filled with heartwarming moments, quickly went viral, melting hearts across social media. “He asked to do a video so this is what we did,” Bunnie captioned, accompanied by the hashtag #meetthedefords.
The clip shows a bashful Noah taking center stage. He shyly greets viewers: “Hello, my name is Noah and…this is my first time doing this video, so I may be a little…I don’t know what to say that much, but take it easy on me.” The video ends with Bunnie rushing back to check on her stepson, showcasing a touching family interaction.
Fans were quick to comment on Noah’s resemblance to his father, and are already looking forward to more of his appearances. Bunnie teased future content, suggesting a Pokemon unboxing video might be next.