Director Sean Wang created a short documentary about his grandmothers, Chang Li Hua (86), and Yi Yan Fuei (97), which has been nominated for an Academy Award. In an inspiring turn of events, Sean Wang’s documentary titled “Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó” (2023) has earned a prestigious Oscar nomination. The film explores the lives of Wang’s grandmothers, showcasing their enduring friendship and the vibrancy of their daily routines.
Beyond its cinematic beauty, the documentary serves as a powerful testament to the resilience and joy found in the later stages of life. Through Wang’s lens, viewers are invited into a world where age does not dictate one’s value or capacity for new beginnings. The grandmothers’ journey from feeling “old and useless” to becoming celebrated figures challenges prevailing societal views on aging, offering a fresh perspective on the contributions and richness that elderly individuals bring to our world.