Dave Chappelle Criticized Katt Williams for Insulting Other Black Comedians

During a performance at MonDERAYS at the Hollywood Improv, Dave Chappelle expressed his disapproval of Katt Williams’ remarks about fellow Black comedians.
Dave Chappelle recently expressed his disapproval of
Katt Williams’ remarks about fellow Black comedians, igniting a significant dialogue in the comedy community. In a performance at MonDERAYS at the Hollywood Improv, Chappelle questioned Williams’ decision to “draw ugly pictures of us,” referring to Williams’ targeted criticism of Black comedians.
Chappelle, renowned for his insightful and often provocative humor, underscored the irony in Williams’ exclusive focus on Black peers while omitting white comedians. He poignantly remarked that although “hurt people hurt people,” his own response to personal and professional adversities has been to choose resilience and discretion over public disparagement.