The movie “Bullitt,” directed by Peter Yates in 1968, features Lieutenant Frank Bullitt (Steve McQueen) as its protagonist. Bullitt is tasked by politician Chalmers (Robert Vaughn) to protect an important witness, Johnny Ross. However, Ross is shot, prompting Bullitt to decide to keep his death secret and embark on an investigation.
Ford Mustang 390 G.T Vs. Dodge Charger 440
Within this investigation unfolds one of the most famous car chases in cinema history (according to Premiere magazine, the greatest car chase of all time), where Bullitt, behind the wheel of a Ford Mustang 390 G.T, pursues criminals in a Dodge Charger 440 through the streets of San Francisco.
Several Interesting Facts About the Movie
Several interesting facts are associated with the Mustang’s appearance in the film. Steve McQueen reportedly stayed as close to the window as possible during filming to make viewers believe he was the stunt driver. The cars reached speeds of up to 105 miles per hour, and McQueen, along with the driver of the second car, actor Bill Hickman, practiced their skills on a racing circuit before filming.
The film was a great success, winning the Oscar for Best Film Editing in 1969, and Mustang sales skyrocketed at the time. The Mustang featured in the movie sold for $3.74 million in 2020.