Billy Coull, the man behind the organization of the notorious family event inspired by Roald Dahl’s book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (1964), which ended with the police being called by disgruntled parents, said it negatively impacted his life. As he revealed in the documentary “Wonka: The Scandal That Rocked Britain” aired on Channel 5, due to the failed event, he lost his life’s love, friends, and was branded as the “face of all evil.”
Billy Coull is Defending Himself
This happened because instead of the grand event (for which tickets were priced at £35 per person), people found a nearly empty space filled with only a few props and attractions, and their children received only a small amount of sweets. Billy Coul defends himself, stating that the promised equipment for the event wasn’t delivered and mentions receiving many very negative messages. He also states that the scripts given to the actors performing at the event were written by himself, and he only had AI check them due to his dyslexia.
The Event changed Felicia’s Life in a Positive Way
However, not everyone is unhappy about their participation in the event. Sixteen-year-old Felicia, who portrayed the character named “Unknown” (which even inspired filmmakers to consider making an independent horror film), received a new job offer.
Decorations Used at the Event are Being Auctioned Online
As reported by CNN, three fabric backdrops used at the event have appeared on Ebay, offered by Monorail Music store from Glasgow, where the event took place. They were discovered in the trash by a friend of the store manager. The proceeds from their sale are intended for charitable purposes.
The event organized by Billy Coull may have ended in disaster, and unfortunately, its failure has personally harmed the organizer, but perhaps something good can come out of this unpleasant situation. At least in the case of Felicia, who will perform at the London Dungeon during Easter, and for the organizations that will receive money from the auctioned props.