On Friday, April 26th, the romantic sports film “Challengers,” directed by Luca Guadagnino, premiered in American theaters. The film features Mike Faist in the role of tennis player Art Donaldson, preparing for his comeback with the help of his wife and former tennis player Tashi, portrayed by Zendaya. Josh O’Connor plays Tashi’s current rival and former friend and lover, Patrick Zweig.
Zendaya revealed in her interview with Variety how she prepared for her role as a former tennis star. She watched tennis matches, interviews with tennis players, and learned to play tennis herself. According to her, her dance experience was very helpful during filming in mimicking the movements of experienced tennis players who assisted with the shooting.
Zendaya truly immersed herself in the character of Takeshi, who was forced to end her promising career after an injury, a process aided by three months of training under the guidance of coach and former professional player Brad Gilbert.