Lindsay Lohan, the star of the original “Mean Girls” (2004) film, faced an unexpected emotional challenge at the New York City red carpet premiere of the movie’s latest installment directed by Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr. Despite her excitement for a surprise cameo in the new film, Lohan was deeply hurt by a specific joke included in the script. This line in the movie delivered by Megan Thee Stallion, which clearly referenced the 2006 paparazzi video, struck a personal chord with the actress. It was a reference to the interview with Brandon Davis for TMZ, during which he made inappropriate comments about Lindsay Lohan.
Her reaction underscores the lasting impact of public scrutiny and the personal struggles celebrities face, even years after an incident. Lohan’s experience at the premiere serves as a poignant reminder of the fine line between humor and sensitivity in the entertainment industry, especially when it involves real-life events of public figures.