Despite rumors of an affair, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton were just friends who enjoyed teasing and flirting with each other. 🤗

Despite rumors of an affair, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton were just friends who enjoyed teasing and flirting with each other. 🤗

Dolly flirted with Kenny Rogers for 30 years, but they never dated. 😇

Dolly flirted with Kenny Rogers for 30 years, but they never dated. 😇

Lionel regrets going on a vacation with Kenny Rogers! 😁

Lionel regrets going on a vacation with Kenny Rogers! 😁

Developed the 'Gambler' persona.

Developed the 'Gambler' persona.

Kenny Rogers took Lionel Richie on a sailing trip to Bahamas but despite Kenny's assurance of smooth waters, they encountered rough swells and stormy conditions. 🌊

Kenny Rogers took Lionel Richie on a sailing trip to Bahamas but despite Kenny's assurance of smooth waters, they encountered rough swells and stormy conditions. 🌊
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