July 11, 2023

Greg Sestero's favorite line from 'The Room' is: "I'm tired, I'm wasted, I love you darling." 😁

Greg Sestero's favorite line from 'The Room' is: "I'm tired, I'm wasted, I love you darling." 😁
July 11, 2023

Tommy Wiseau called Greg Sestero's 'Disaster Artist' a 'Red Bible' and approved only 40 percent of it. 📕

Tommy Wiseau called Greg Sestero's 'Disaster Artist' a 'Red Bible' and approved only 40 percent of it. 📕
December 6, 2022

When he was twelve, he created a script for 'Home Alone' sequel.

When he was twelve, he created a script for 'Home Alone' sequel.
December 6, 2022

Greg Sestero portrayed by Dave Franco in the award-winning 'The Disaster Artist.'

Greg Sestero portrayed by Dave Franco in the award-winning 'The Disaster Artist.'

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